Working to Make an Impact

Workforce Solutions Alamo is committed to strengthening our local community by empowering adults and youth to realize their potential through work by providing access to training, career resources, and connections to employers. We also help businesses hire, train, and retain skilled workers, and help families achieve financial independence by connecting them to quality childcare so parents can go to work or school.

Why We Do What We Do

No matter one’s background or circumstance, we meet people where they are by providing dedicated support to help them overcome barriers to attain an education, learn skills, obtain first-time employment, advance or change careers, or successfully transition from military to civilian employment.

We do this because meaningful work provides more than a paycheck. Work provides dignity, purpose, and the promise for a better life and a stronger community. Through strategic partnerships and a drive to lead the development of a world-class workforce, our work today will enable those we serve to thrive and realize this same promise for generations to come.


  • 2023 Annual Report

Previous Reports

2023 Community Impact By the Numbers

Business Solutions

  • 168,541 Employer Services Provided
  • 464 Newly Registered Employers
  • 286 Work Based Training Sites
  • 50 Job Fairs & Hiring Events

Job Seekers

  • 14,235 People Placed in Jobs (Oct. 2022 – Sept. 2023)
  • 98,807 In-Person Guests at 16 Career Centers (Oct. 2022 – Sept. 2023)

Child Care Services

  • 12,655 Children Served
  • 8,037 Parents Served
  • 594 Child Care Providers
  • $99 Million Annual Investment in Early Care and Education
  • $221 Million Combined Yearly Earned Income of Working Parents

Youth Services

  • 325 Participants Enrolled
  • 400+ Students & Parents at WSA Youth Events
  • 74 Youth Assisted With GED/High School Completion Services
  • 53 Area School Districts Served
  • 259 Schools Served

Success Works

Jose B.

From evaluating my skills to helping construct an outstanding resume and to getting an interview and landing the position I am in right now, it blows my mind! I would not be where I am today without Workforce Solutions Alamo’s Youth Empowerment Services program and the devoted team members that truly want to see others succeed in life. – Jose B.

Celeste S.

As a Graduate of the Youth Empowerment Services program, Celeste went from helping her mom pay their mortgage working low-wage jobs to training to become a dental assistant. She is appreciative of full-time employment and motivated to continue her education to become a dentist.

I am so grateful for the YES! Program and the opportunity it has provided. I want to make my mom proud and show everyone this program, this money was well spent on the future I now have. – Celeste, YES! Program Participant, Gillespie County

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