Summer Earn And Learn


About Summer Earn And Learn (SEAL):

This is a no-cost program for students with disabilities in the 13 County Workforce Solutions Alamo area. This opportunity is for students ages 16-22 who have disabilities to connect them with local area employers and complete On The Job Training or Work Experience with a company for 5 to 8 weeks.

2024 Summer Earn and Learn

Thank you for your interest in the Summer Earn and Learn program. Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL) for 2024 is no longer accepting applicants. Please visit our website May of 2025 to participate!

If you are interested in other services for students with disabilities, please contact our Workforce Solutions Alamo Career Centers or your local Vocational Rehabilitation offices.

Employer Information

  • SEAL exposes students with disabilities to professional opportunities through a paid short term program (5 weeks and up.)
  • Wages and Workers Compensation are paid directly to participants by Workforce Solutions Alamo.
  • Your business can make a positive impact and be an employer that equips and empowers inclusivity.

If you are an interested employer who currently works with the Workforce Solutions Alamo Business Services team and would like to participate in SEAL or learn more, please contact your Business Services Representative. If you do not currently work with Workforce Solutions Alamo and are interested in SEAL please email

Summer Earn and Learn 2023 Impact:

  • 364 Students Enrolled
  • 182 Students Trained
  • 221 Participants Placed at Worksites, 152 Completed 5-Weeks of Work Experience
  • 53 Worksite Locations
  • 22,944.50 Total Hours Worked
  • $240,918.82 Total Wages Earned
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