How Can We Help?
Workforce Solutions Alamo’s (WSA) Youth Empowerment Services! (YES) offers no-cost services to eligible youth between the ages of 16-24 who face barriers to education, training, and employment. The YES program helps young individuals acquire the education, training, and skills required to join the workforce and fulfill employer demands. Funding is provided through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Services Offered
Tutoring, study skills, training, instruction, and dropout prevention
Alternative secondary school services or dropout recovery services
Paid and Unpaid Work Experience
Occupational Skills Training
Education offered concurrently with workforce preparation and training for a specific occupatio
Leadership Development Opportunitie
Support Services, Financial Support, incentives
Follow-up services
Guidance and Counseling
Financial Literacy Education
Entrepreneurial (Owning a Business) Training
Labor Market information
Post-secondary Preparation and Transition Activities
Basic Steps for the YES! Program
Eligibility Determination
Objective Assessment
Development of an ISS (Goal Plan)
Program Participation
Follow Up Services
Services are based on eligibility.
NOT READY TO APPLY? Attend an information session
Our Youth Empowerment Services Team hosts weekly Information Sessions. These sessions explain the Youth Empowerment Services Program and how we can help assist youth (16-24) on their journey to a high-demand, high-paying job in a career field they enjoy! Registration is not required for the in-person information sessions.
Youth Empowerment Services Information Sessions
- Youth Empowerment Services (YES!) is currently conducting online orientations on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM.
Explore YES Program Success Stories
Get Connected
For questions regarding Youth Empowerment Services, please email
210 224-4357