wsa 2025-2028 local plan

client-serving partner


Please review the videos below to learn about Workforce Solutions Alamo and the purpose of the Local Plan. In summary, WSA is seeking your input as a Client Serving Partner to meet the following objectives:

  1. Introduce your organization to the Local Plan and the process to develop and update the Plan as a policy document.
  2. Secure your input on how your organization would like to work with WSA in terms of Data, Tactics, and Strategies for your County or service area over the next 4-years

Step 1: Overview

Overview to learn what WSA and the Local Plan are and how to provide feedback. 

Step 2: About wsa

Learn a little about WSA

Step 3: The local plan

Understand how The Local Plan Works as a Policy Document

 This is the first draft of the 2025-2028 Local Plan.  Please provide feedback to

Step 4: PRovide your input

Provide Input as a WSA Client -Serving Partner

Goal 1: Texas Talent Experts (Data)

  • Asks you to consider how your organization would like to partner with WSA over the next 4-year period for a population your organization most directly serves (Adult/Youth/Business/Childcare) and for a designated service area based on the 13-counties served by WSA.
  • One (1) open ended question asks you to consider how WSA can partner in providing, producing, co-authoring, presenting data/analysis. 

Goal 2: Service Optimizers (Tactics)

  • Asks you to consider how your organization would like to partner with WSA over the next 4-year period for a population your organization most directly serves (Adult/Youth/Business/Childcare) and for a designated service area based on the 13-counties served by WSA. 
  • Three (3) open ended questions ask how WSA can best collaborate with you to serve our common customers in your service area through partnership opportunities that can be formalized through Memorandums of Understanding (MOU).  

Goal 3: Partnership Managers (Strategy)

  • Asks you to consider how your organization would like to partner with WSA over the next 4-year period for a population your organization most directly serves (Adult/Youth/Business/Childcare) and for a designated service area based on the 13-counties served by WSA. 
  • One (1) open-ended question ask about Strategies your organization is undertaking that might be good fit for WSA to partner on to potentially seek out new resources. 


If you require assistance in completing the Input Form or have any questions, please let us know when we can reach out by completing this Inquiry Form.

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