NOTICE - Our E. Houston career center is closed due to an emergency air conditioner repair. We will advise when the center is reopened.

DATA/VIZ Services

Workforce Solutions Alamo (WSA) provides comprehensive, open-source data visualization (DATA/VIZ) services to help job seekers, employers, and partners understand the critical economic and workforce development issues facing the Alamo region.

The WSA Data/VIZ department is committed to providing insightful and timely data/analysis to facilitate informed decision-making by constructing workforce development and industry information into predictive, data-informed storytelling tools using visual elements such as charts, graphs, and maps depicting trends and data patterns.


Employers / Nonprofit Organizations / Partners

  • Understand customers and available talent pool
  • Inform decisions on where to open, expand, or relocate

Job Seekers

  • Understand the workforce needs of top employers
  • Identify training relevant to high-demand skills

Workforce Solutions Alamo is here to support your data needs with easy access to powerful, interactive analytics. Contact us today to learn more!


Get Relevant Data

Contact the Data Department.
Please fill out the Data Request Form for data requests, or email the Data Department with questions.

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